New review of Victoria Blade's 'Lo-fi Love Songs' from Fog Songs:
"This is the debut album from singer-songwriter Victoria Blade. It's exactly as the title suggests - an album of lo-fi love songs. Recorded onto a 4-track Tascam, these simple dreamy folk songs are wonderfully hissy and bare. They address and express the deep love and affection one feels towards a significant other, and documents the places they've been and the time that they've shared together... but the songs also address and express the internal struggles that occur during major life changing events.
This album makes me yearn for summer. They make me wish I was sitting on a warm sunny beach, without any responsibilities or commitments... just watching the water sparkle and shimmer away, birds cawing and swooping...
Instead I'm sitting in front of my computer in a cold room with several layers of clothing on, listening to this album while trying to ignore the howling gale outside that's rattling my window pane.
Oh yeah, Victoria Blade is also an actress, most notable as the commercial woman on the Emmy-award winning series Wandavision."